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web Development (5 Months)

Course Contents:

Web Development☛ The web developer's course contains HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Php & Mysql, Ajax, Jquery, CakePHP, Twitter Bootstrap Framework.
JavaScript Output • JavaScript Variables • JavaScript Operators • JavaScript Arithmetic • JavaScript Data Types • JavaScript Assignment • JavaScript Functions • JavaScript Objects • JavaScript Scope • JavaScript Events • JavaScript Strings and String Methods • JavaScript Numbers and Number Methods • JavaScript Math Facebook.
Installing PHP, PHP Syntax, PHP Variables, PHP Data Types, PHP Strings, PHP Constants, PHP Operators, PHP Programming Loops, PHP Functions, PHP Arrays o PHP Superglobals • PHP Forms and XML, PHP Form Handling, PHP Form Validation (Server side), PHP Required, PHP XML Parsers, PHP SimpleXML Parser, PHP SimpleXML Get, PHP XML DOM, PHP XML Expat
CSS Tables • CSS Box Model • CSS Margins, Dimensions, Display • CSS Navigation Bar • CSS Attribute Selectors CSS Rounded Corners • CSS Border Images • CSS Backgrounds • CSS Colors • CSS Animations • CSS Responsive Web Design - Introduction • CSS Responsive Web Design - Viewport • CSS Responsive Web Design - Media Queries • CSS Responsive Web Design - Images • CSS Responsive Web Design - Videos • CSS Responsive Web Design - Frameworks
MySQL Open source has brought a lot more than UNIX to the computing world. It has also given us Linux, MySQL. MySQL are the world's best combination for creating database-driven sites. MySQL software can be downloaded in less than 15 minutes.MySQL runs on more than 20 platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and its open source code allows you to customize it to fit your unique requirements. Whether you're looking to post a few things a month to your Web site or looking to add content daily, MySQL is fit to handle Web sites large and small and will easily grow as your business does.

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